The Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal

Content development, Editing, Recruitment & Training

NURJ light bulb illustration

As Managing Editor of Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal (NURJ), I managed a team of 7 editors and oversaw the entire publication process. I focused on increasing accessibility of research on campus and featured recipients of Northwestern's Summer Undergraduate Research Grant (SURG) through a unique mixed-format publication. My responsibilities included onboarding and training new staff, coordinating with development and web development teams, and publishing two volumes.

Publishing 2 Volumes: Digital Transition and Demystifying Research



  • Increase accessibility of research on campus
  • Feature recipients of Northwestern's Summer Undergraduate Research Grant (SURG)
  • Utilize a mixed-format publication to differentiate the online version from the print publication


(1) Project selection & coordination

  • Soliciting, selecting, and planning featured projects
  • Coordinating with development and web development teams

(2) Interviewing and filming

  • Co-interviewing 5 recipients
  • Renting AV equipment and filming in a living room setting

(3) Team management & training

  • Recruiting and training new team members in AP style
  • Coordinating timelines and delegating edits

(4) Content Creation and Editing

  • Collaborative storyboarding for mixed-format presentation
  • Ensuring consistency across written segments

(5) Overcoming obstacles

  • Navigating unexpected obstacles in video and audio post-production
  • Learning Final Cut Pro X to address technical issues
  • Adjusting publication timelines accordingly
a six row table with two columns: (1) Clips and (2) Writeup to follow video segment
Publication Format & Interview Question Themes

screenshot of editing process in Final Cut Pro X


A 40-minute video feature divided into five clips, with written segments highlighting one area of each of the five SURG recipients' experiences.


screenshot of publication with four articles